Archive for February, 2012

February 2012 Recap

Runs: 12
Miles: 54.11
Races: 0 (0.00 miles)
Outdoors: 2 (10.45 miles)
Indoors: 4 (23.19 miles)
Treadmill: 5 (17.44 miles)
Longest: 8.40 miles

February is the most difficult month of the year for me.  It’s cold and snowy and even though it’s the shortest month, it seems to drag on and on.  This year we’ve continued our lucky streak of higher than normal temperatures and minimal snow.  This meant I was able to get outside for a couple of runs (normally the only time I spend outside in February is spent with a snowblower).  I could have run outside a couple more times, but ended up running at the Metrodome instead.  It was circling the dome that accounted for my two longest runs.

Dome Running

Blurry Picture of Metrodome Running

I suppose that the only downside is that my long run was 3 miles shorter than last month.  I ran the same amount of times as I did in January, but ran nearly 10 miles less.  That’s okay as I’m happy to still be running as often as I do and being able to run 8+ miles without any issues.

Icy Hills

Icy Hills

Swimming lessons are still going.  I’ve resigned myself to the fact that a triathlon is not in the cards this year.  Starting this week, I will begin marathon training at a local running store.  This will increase my weekly mileage and pretty much nail me down to running 4 times a week rather than my average 3 times.

I had no races this month.  My last race was on New Year’s Day and my next one will be on 10 March.  That’s the longest I’ve gone without racing since I ran my first 5K back in July.

Crazy Warm

43 Degrees on 06 February is CRAZY WARM!!!

I entered the lottery for the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon (Grandma’s Half Marathon) and was chosen to run with 6,300 others in June.  I am now registered for 4 half marathons, so I’m a 1/3 of the way through my 12 half marathons in 2012 resolution….on paper that is.  :-)