March 2012 Recap

Runs: 19
Miles: 100.06
Races: 2 (7.46 miles)
Outdoors: 17 (93.27 miles)
Indoors: 0 (0.00 miles)
Treadmill: 2 (6.79 miles)
Longest: 15.21 miles

100 Mile March!

100 Mile March!

Wow.  A lot of personal records set this month: total distance (100.06), total number of runs (19), longest run (15.21 miles), and coldest run (7 degrees).

Other than the 7 degree beast, the weather was extremely warm for a Minnesota March (about 15 degrees warmer on average – warmest Twin Cities March ever).  This meant all but two of my runs were done outside.

I started a Marathon training class at a local Running Room store.  Every Thursday night we gather and listen to a presentation on different running topics (shoes, gear, training goals/plans) followed by a run.  The runs have all been in the 3 – 4 mile range so far.  I’ve also been joining their Run Club for Sunday morning runs that have been in the 6 – 8 mile range.  I do all of my running alone so it’s good to get out with other runners.  The runners tend to break into groups based on speed. I was happy to find out that I was not the slowest runner.  I was not surprised to find out that I was not the fastest runner.  :-)  So far I have been enjoying the classes.  With the two scheduled runs per week, I’ve changed from a 3 times a week runner to a 4 times a week runner.

I started doing long runs every two weeks.  Last year I peaked at 14 miles in preparation for my 10 mile race.  I did 15 miles last week and completed it about 1.5 minutes per mile faster than last year’s 14 miler.  I felt fine afterwards, although I did get exposed to a running “injury” I never anticipated: chafing.

I’ve been using the Galloway method on my long runs.  I run for 3 minutes, then walk for 1 minute.  I’ve been trying to hit all my intervals (run for the entire 3 minutes and walk for the entire 1 minute).  Early on it’s difficult to stop after 3 minutes (seems way too short) and walk for a full minute (seems way too long). This reverses on the last few miles: the 3 minute run feels like forever and the 1 minute walk goes by in an instant.  With a walk break every 3 minutes, I end up taking 2 or 3 one minute walk breaks per mile.  I’m a little surprised that I’ve been able to keep the overall minutes per mile south of 11 minutes.

The biggest benefit is that I’m able to be on my feet for longer and run further than I would be able to without the copious walk breaks.  I do a long(ish) run on Sundays (6.5 – 8 miles) without any (or very minimal if you count the traffic lights) walk breaks.  The longer Galloway runs have made these runs easier to complete.  I’m still running them slow, but closer to 10 minutes/mile than 11.

I increase the length of my Galloway long runs every two weeks.  Next run will be 17 miles, then 20 miles two weeks after that.  My plan after that 20 miler will be to dip back down to 15 miles but increase the run ratio.  I’m probably going to got to a 4:1 run to walk ratio.  Then I’ll go back up the ladder to 17 miles and then 20 miles again.  Then back to 15 miles and change the ratio again.  I hope to get to a 5:1 or 6:1 ratio and then crack the 20 mile mark.  Before the marathon, I want to do a 23 miler and finally a full 26.2 at my final run/walk ratio.  I might even experiment with skipping the walk bit on the first few miles.  By the time the TC Marathon rolls around in October I will have seen what 26.2 miles looks like and (hopefully) survived being on my feet for 5 hours.

As for my marathon goals, I really only have one: finish…alive.  I would love to break 5 hours but I’m not counting on any time goals at this point.

I was blown away at hitting the 100 miles in a month mark.  Last year, I set a personal challenge to run 100 miles over the course of spring/summer.  I matched that in a single month this year.  Hell, my long run of 15 miles matched my total March 2011 miles.  I was going to either skip or shorten the last run, but I don’t know when I’ll get within striking distance of 100 miles in a month again, so putting in an unplanned 3.68 miles on a Saturday to close out the month was definitely a go.

I bought new shoes and made the Reebok Nano Zigs take over as gym shoes.  I’m now riding in some Saucony Triumph 9’s.  I did the whole “gait analysis” thing and was somewhat surprised to find that I’m a “neutral”.  I like the new shoes, but other than making downhills faster (more padding?) there’s nothing monumentally different about them.

I battled though a cold (did not stop me running), a pinched nerve in my shoulder (stopped me from lifting, but not running), a small blister (new shoes), and some chafing (more embarrassing than debilitating).  Nothing major on the injury front.

Swim lessons ended a couple of weeks ago.  I did make some progress, but I’m still a better anchor than swimmer.  I’m still a year away from seriously considering a triathlon.  I signed up for a second session starting next week.  I’m a bit concerned because the instructor has told us that she’s going to start working us harder.

I ran two Irish-themed races this month: a slow 5K and a sunny 7K.

The “12 Half Marathons in 2012” is going well…on paper.  I have signed up for 5 half marathons so far.  I will actually run my first one at the end of April.  I also have a 10 miler, a 5.5 miler, and a 5K scheduled.  I might even try out a 2 miler at the beginning of the month.


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