April 2012 Recap

Runs: 16
Miles: 115.19
Races: 4 (32.24 miles)
Outdoors: 15 (112.08 miles)
Indoors: 0 (0.00 miles)
Treadmill: 1 (3.11 miles)
Longest: 20.56 miles

Another month of personal records: most miles in a month (115.19), most miles in a week (38.21), longest run (20.56), longest run with no walk breaks (13.1), and PRs in 1/2 Marathon, 10 mile, 5K, and 6 mile (automatic PR as it’s the only race I’ve run at this distance).  Along with these high points were some lows: crashing 14 miles into my 20 miler and a disappointing 10 mile race.  I finished the month by enduring a very cold and wet half marathon then – two days later – absolutely slaying a hilly 10K route.  A great way to end a great month.

April 2012 Mileage

April 2012 Mileage

I’ve been doing my long runs every other week utilizing a 3:1 run/walk ratio.  This month brought my two longest runs of my life: 17 miles and 20 miles.  The 17 miler went great.  Two weeks later I mismanaged my 20 miler so badly that I ended up walking most of the last 6 miles.  This month I will be starting the long run ladder again (15, 17, then 20 miles) but with a different run/walk ratio (probably a 4:1, but I might try to stretch it to a 4.5:1).  I will be running a half marathon 3 of the 4 weekends this month.  I’m guessing that means that I will have another 100+ mile month in May.

Right now I’m feeling pretty good about my running.  I’m improving in all areas.  I’ve become faster on my shorter runs (5K) and – withstanding the 10 mile fail – I’m improving my stamina on longer runs.  I’ve had no injuries, other than extreme calf cramps brought on by dehydration on my 20 miler.  My feet have adapted to my shoes by becoming calloused (is that a verb?) along the part of my foot that was getting blistered.  I’m planning on buying new shoes this month.

I’m 1/12 of the way through my “12 Half Marathons in 2012” goal.  By the end of May I will be 1/3 of the way through, including my first out-of-state half marathon (Fargo, ND).

The marathon training class is going well.  I’ve been late to the last few lectures as I am very busy at work, but have made all of the training runs.

I celebrated my 1 year “runiversary” in April.  I ran outside (I don’t count the treadmill runs that began 3 months before) for the first time on 12 April 2011.  I barely managed 1/4 mile before needing a walk break and ended up completing 2.19 (albeit hilly) miles in a blistering 29:41 (13:33 minute miles).

I am still intimidated at the prospect of running a full marathon in October.  As I completed my half marathon, I thought to myself  “I can’t imagine running this far only to have it be the turnaround point”.

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