June 2012 Recap

Runs: 21
Miles: 130.19
Races: 4 (41.79 miles)
Outdoors: 19 (121.08 miles)
Indoors: 0 (0.00 miles)
Treadmill: 2 (9.11 miles)
Longest: 18.70 miles

June started off pretty poorly with me bonking hard on the Minneapolis Half Marathon after taking six straight days off with no running.  This started another string of consecutive half marathon weekend.  I set a personal worst on the Lake Waconia Half, but felt okay about it as I was battling hills and heat.  I probably ran my best half marathon at Grandmas.  I didn’t set a PR, but I ran a smart race and finished strong.  The final race of June was a 4K fun run along the Minneapolis Pride Festival parade route.

I pounded out a record 21 runs this month as well as a new monthly mileage record of 130 miles.  I got back on the long distance run horse with a nearly 19 miler.  I was embarrassed by going six days sans running and the poor performance in the Minneapolis Half, so I may have overcompensated by running more often this month.  I tried to make my minimum run distance be over 5 miles, but with Run Club runs and a few runs with the family, this was not to be.  I will try to keep my short runs over 5 miles this month, but won’t make it a top priority.

I got new shoes…well, kinda.  I bought another pair of Saucony Triumph 9, except in a half size larger (to hopefully avoid blisters).  I needed new shoes (350+ miles on the old ones) but didn’t want to seek out a different shoe.  I got these off eBay for about $50 off (they are last year’s model, I guess).

July is a relatively light race month.  No half marathons.  I have a 5K on the 4th (this will be exactly one year from my first ever race).  I’ll try my hand (feet?) at trail running again with a 10K.  At the end of the month I have a 1/4 marathon on the calendar.  I may mix in another 5K to try to complete another race in the Explore Minnesota Challenge.

I am finally going to create a marathon training schedule and stick to it.  I want to get in some “shorter longer” runs of 8 to 12 miles to go along with my run/walk LSD runs.  I am definitely going to get some hills and speed work in this month.

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