August 2012 Recap

Runs: 15
Miles: 117.29
Races: 5 (46.44 miles)
Outdoors: 15 (121.08 miles)
Indoors: 0 (0.00 miles)
Treadmill: 0 (0.00 miles)
Longest: 15.39 miles

After a craptacular July, I ran a respectable amount in August.  In yet another string of three half marathons in a row I did miserably at the Minnesota Half Marathon, decently at the Gopher to Badger Half Marathon, and less than stellar at my second out-of-state half marathon: the Madison Mini Marathon.

While I did fewer runs than most months, I did manage to clock longer runs.  I set a personal record for average run length of 7.82 per run.  I’ve gotten to the point where I can run 6 miles without any problem.  In half marathons I can stretch that to 9 – 11 miles.  After that I crash.  I only got one long run in this month (15 miles) due to schedule, heat, and laziness.  I now have a 9 mile loop that I will use as my normal run.  I will be piling on the long runs this month because it’s now do or die training time for the Twin Cities Marathon.  I fully expect to eclipse 150 miles this month.

Racewise I have a five miler on Labor Day (my first repeat race), a 20 miler (I fear this race), two 5Ks on the same day (one is an “adventure” race), another adventure/mud race 5K with my family, then maybe a 10K to fulfill my last Explore Minnesota requirement.  No half marathons this month.

I still have a nagging pain in my left Achille’s tendon.  It’s not debilitating.  It is barely painful during runs, but after long runs it is an issue for a few hours.  Even then it’s only about 30% as painful as when I first injured it at the end of July.  I’m pretty sure that I either have tendonitis or a tear that has not fully healed.

I’m worried about the Twin Cities Marathon.  I’m completely drained after 13.1 miles, I can’t imagine running twice that distance.  I was probably in better shape back in April/May than I am now.  Like I said, I haven’t been doing my bi-weekly long runs.  I feel like I’m back in college, cramming for a final exam.

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