Archive for November, 2012

November 2012 Recap

Runs: 10
Miles: 44.58
Races: 0 (0.00 miles)
Outdoors: 4 (19.05 miles)
Indoors: 3 (9.24 miles)
Treadmill: 3 (16.29 miles)
Longest: 6.17 miles

Wow.  What a drop off month November turned out to be.  Least total miles since June of 2011.  First month without a race since February.  Least number of runs since May of 2011 (I started running in April of 2011).

So do I feel bad about it?  Not at all.  Well…not much.  I knew that there would be a drop off in motivation after an October where I ran a marathon, two half marathons, and a 10 miler.  I went overboard on the running break though: I had two periods of 7 days straight without a run.  Halfway through the month and I had only run about as much as I did on my low mileage weeks over the last few months.  I was going to run the local Thanksgiving Day 5K (weather was perfect) but blew it off to do a hilly 4 mile training run instead. Meh.  I needed the break.

I did get back on the horse after the midpoint of the month and have not gone more than 2 days without a run since then.  I have had to get used to running indoors more than outdoors.  The early sunsets coupled with drop in temperatures (plus lack of motivation) has meant very few outdoor runs.

I did pick up TWO new pairs of shoes.  I bought my 3rd pair of Saucony Triumph 9s as well as turning over a new leaf with a pair of Brooks Ghost 5s.  The Brooks feel good, but are a bit stiffer than the Sauconys.  I haven’t fully broke in either pair yet.

I won’t be running any races this December either.  I am still wavering on whether or not I will run the Polar Dash again this year.  I was close to signing on for the half marathon, but with the weather being such a question mark and not wanting to curtail my New Years Eve partying again this year, I am now leaning towards skipping it or doing the 10K.  That would mean that I will not run a race until March.  I’m cool with that because I did sign up for 4 out-of-state races already.  I’ll be running the Flying Pig in Ohio, the 500 Festival Mini Marathon in Indiana, the North Country Run in Michigan, and the Kansas City Half Marathon in Missouri.  I am still trying to decide whether or not I want to run Grandmas full or do the lottery for the half with my wife.