Archive for the ‘Monthly Recap’ Category

December 2012 Recap

Runs: 11
Miles: 75.35
Races: 0 (0.00 miles)
Outdoors: 1 (9.10 miles)
Indoors: 4 (16.05 miles)
Treadmill: 6 (27.59 miles)
Longest: 9.10 miles

My mileage did pick up in December after an epic dropoff in November.  I only managed to do one run outside (taking advantage of an unseasonably warm and snow-free day early in the month).  The other 10 runs were all indoors.

I did score a big win by purchasing a treadmill at the end of the month.  I don’t like running outside in the winter.  I found out last year that the temperature is not a big deal, but I live in a rural area and the trails and sidewalks are not cleared.  I have a gym membership with a (tiny) indoor track and tons of nice treadmills, but it’s a 20 minute drive away.  There is a gym in town (and we used to have a membership there) and I was going to get a winter membership there, but decided to get a treadmill instead.  I hit up Craigslist and found a ton of great used treadmills.  I fucking hate Craigslist.  The seller response rate blows.  Those sellers that do respond generally take days to do so.  My wife suggested looking at Sears Outlet stores and I found a new NordicTrack T5.7 for $400 (it was a floor model…but had less than 2 miles on it).  I’m very happy with it.  Now I have no excuse not to run.

I chose drinking over running this year.  I was planning on doing the Polar Dash again this year.  I kept vacilating between running the 10K or the half marathon.  I felt I wasn’t ready for a half at this point and I wasn’t keen on dropping $60 on a 10K so I decided to skip it this year.  I’m glad that I scratched this race because the temperature was -5 with a wicked wind.

I have no races scheduled for January or February.  :-)  I did sign up for a bunch of races as a number of races offered discounts.  I took the leap and signed up for marathon #2: Grandmas Marathon in June.  I ran the half last year and had a great time, so I’m hoping for the same enjoyment at twice the distance.

I am going to faithfully follow a marathon training plan this time.  I decided on the free one listed on the Grandmas website.  It’s an 18 week plan by Dick Beardsley.  This plan requires that you run 6 days a week.  I trained running 4 days a week this year (3 days a week last year) so this is going to be a step up in training.  The plan starts in mid-February, but I’m going to spend the next weeks increasing the number of runs per week so I’m ready to run 6 days a week when the plan begins.  Luckily, most of the runs are “easy” runs.  The treadmill will be a great asset as I can run anytime and can fix my pace.  I am not fast, but I tend to run at “tempo” pace on all runs other than my long runs.  As strange as it sounds, I need to slow down.  My easy runs should be 1.5 to 2 minutes per mile slower than my race goal pace.  I haven’t dialed in a race goal pace yet, but it’s going to be 10 minutes per mile or more.  It’s actually difficult (especially on shorter distances) for me to slow down to 11 minute miles.  The treadmill will help our a ton in this area.

November 2012 Recap

Runs: 10
Miles: 44.58
Races: 0 (0.00 miles)
Outdoors: 4 (19.05 miles)
Indoors: 3 (9.24 miles)
Treadmill: 3 (16.29 miles)
Longest: 6.17 miles

Wow.  What a drop off month November turned out to be.  Least total miles since June of 2011.  First month without a race since February.  Least number of runs since May of 2011 (I started running in April of 2011).

So do I feel bad about it?  Not at all.  Well…not much.  I knew that there would be a drop off in motivation after an October where I ran a marathon, two half marathons, and a 10 miler.  I went overboard on the running break though: I had two periods of 7 days straight without a run.  Halfway through the month and I had only run about as much as I did on my low mileage weeks over the last few months.  I was going to run the local Thanksgiving Day 5K (weather was perfect) but blew it off to do a hilly 4 mile training run instead. Meh.  I needed the break.

I did get back on the horse after the midpoint of the month and have not gone more than 2 days without a run since then.  I have had to get used to running indoors more than outdoors.  The early sunsets coupled with drop in temperatures (plus lack of motivation) has meant very few outdoor runs.

I did pick up TWO new pairs of shoes.  I bought my 3rd pair of Saucony Triumph 9s as well as turning over a new leaf with a pair of Brooks Ghost 5s.  The Brooks feel good, but are a bit stiffer than the Sauconys.  I haven’t fully broke in either pair yet.

I won’t be running any races this December either.  I am still wavering on whether or not I will run the Polar Dash again this year.  I was close to signing on for the half marathon, but with the weather being such a question mark and not wanting to curtail my New Years Eve partying again this year, I am now leaning towards skipping it or doing the 10K.  That would mean that I will not run a race until March.  I’m cool with that because I did sign up for 4 out-of-state races already.  I’ll be running the Flying Pig in Ohio, the 500 Festival Mini Marathon in Indiana, the North Country Run in Michigan, and the Kansas City Half Marathon in Missouri.  I am still trying to decide whether or not I want to run Grandmas full or do the lottery for the half with my wife.

August 2012 Recap

Runs: 15
Miles: 117.29
Races: 5 (46.44 miles)
Outdoors: 15 (121.08 miles)
Indoors: 0 (0.00 miles)
Treadmill: 0 (0.00 miles)
Longest: 15.39 miles

After a craptacular July, I ran a respectable amount in August.  In yet another string of three half marathons in a row I did miserably at the Minnesota Half Marathon, decently at the Gopher to Badger Half Marathon, and less than stellar at my second out-of-state half marathon: the Madison Mini Marathon.

While I did fewer runs than most months, I did manage to clock longer runs.  I set a personal record for average run length of 7.82 per run.  I’ve gotten to the point where I can run 6 miles without any problem.  In half marathons I can stretch that to 9 – 11 miles.  After that I crash.  I only got one long run in this month (15 miles) due to schedule, heat, and laziness.  I now have a 9 mile loop that I will use as my normal run.  I will be piling on the long runs this month because it’s now do or die training time for the Twin Cities Marathon.  I fully expect to eclipse 150 miles this month.

Racewise I have a five miler on Labor Day (my first repeat race), a 20 miler (I fear this race), two 5Ks on the same day (one is an “adventure” race), another adventure/mud race 5K with my family, then maybe a 10K to fulfill my last Explore Minnesota requirement.  No half marathons this month.

I still have a nagging pain in my left Achille’s tendon.  It’s not debilitating.  It is barely painful during runs, but after long runs it is an issue for a few hours.  Even then it’s only about 30% as painful as when I first injured it at the end of July.  I’m pretty sure that I either have tendonitis or a tear that has not fully healed.

I’m worried about the Twin Cities Marathon.  I’m completely drained after 13.1 miles, I can’t imagine running twice that distance.  I was probably in better shape back in April/May than I am now.  Like I said, I haven’t been doing my bi-weekly long runs.  I feel like I’m back in college, cramming for a final exam.

June 2012 Recap

Runs: 21
Miles: 130.19
Races: 4 (41.79 miles)
Outdoors: 19 (121.08 miles)
Indoors: 0 (0.00 miles)
Treadmill: 2 (9.11 miles)
Longest: 18.70 miles

June started off pretty poorly with me bonking hard on the Minneapolis Half Marathon after taking six straight days off with no running.  This started another string of consecutive half marathon weekend.  I set a personal worst on the Lake Waconia Half, but felt okay about it as I was battling hills and heat.  I probably ran my best half marathon at Grandmas.  I didn’t set a PR, but I ran a smart race and finished strong.  The final race of June was a 4K fun run along the Minneapolis Pride Festival parade route.

I pounded out a record 21 runs this month as well as a new monthly mileage record of 130 miles.  I got back on the long distance run horse with a nearly 19 miler.  I was embarrassed by going six days sans running and the poor performance in the Minneapolis Half, so I may have overcompensated by running more often this month.  I tried to make my minimum run distance be over 5 miles, but with Run Club runs and a few runs with the family, this was not to be.  I will try to keep my short runs over 5 miles this month, but won’t make it a top priority.

I got new shoes…well, kinda.  I bought another pair of Saucony Triumph 9, except in a half size larger (to hopefully avoid blisters).  I needed new shoes (350+ miles on the old ones) but didn’t want to seek out a different shoe.  I got these off eBay for about $50 off (they are last year’s model, I guess).

July is a relatively light race month.  No half marathons.  I have a 5K on the 4th (this will be exactly one year from my first ever race).  I’ll try my hand (feet?) at trail running again with a 10K.  At the end of the month I have a 1/4 marathon on the calendar.  I may mix in another 5K to try to complete another race in the Explore Minnesota Challenge.

I am finally going to create a marathon training schedule and stick to it.  I want to get in some “shorter longer” runs of 8 to 12 miles to go along with my run/walk LSD runs.  I am definitely going to get some hills and speed work in this month.

May 2012 Recap

Runs: 14
Miles: 88.61
Races: 6 (48.63 miles)
Outdoors: 13 (85.20 miles)
Indoors: 0 (0.00 miles)
Treadmill: 1 (3.41 miles)
Longest: 14.27 miles

May was the month of racing.  Six races is, by far, the most I’ve raced in a single month.  I continued the stretch of 4 half marathons in 4 weeks that I started in late April with 3 consecutive weekends of half marathons (Lake Minnetonka, Maple Grove, Fargo).  Interspersed in those three weeks were three 5K races (two run for fun with my son).  I ended up with a half marathon PR in Fargo that I’m pretty sure will stand up for the rest of the year.

After the Fargo Half, I was happy to finally have a couple of weeks ahead of me with no races.  I had planned to do two long runs of 17 and 20 miles during that time and maybe some speedwork.  I did none of those things.  The first week off I managed some decent mileage, but nothing long.  Even those runs were put off until the last possible moment.  The next week was a big bowl of fail sauce.  I was swamped at work and home.  I still had plenty of opportunities to run, but got lazy and passed on all of them.  I didn’t run or go to the gym for 6 days.  I finally had to break my running drought due to the Minneapolis Half, and that ended with a personal worst half marathon time.  Lesson learned: get your training runs in – no excuses.


Uber-Taper = Not a good idea

June will bring four races.  I have another run of three consecutive weekends of half marathons (Minneapolis, Lake Waconia, and Grandmas).  After that stretch, I will have completed seven of my planned twelve half marathons for the year.  I will not run another half marathon until August.

My goals for June are to get more quality training runs in.  I need to get back on track for my regular long, slow distance runs if I’m going to get into marathon shape.  I have decided that my minimum running distance will now be 5 miles and I’m going to work in a mid-range distance of 8 – 10 miles once a week as well.  Of course, I will make the promise to do dedicated hill and speed work…but I don’t seem to ever follow through on those promises.


April 2012 Recap

Runs: 16
Miles: 115.19
Races: 4 (32.24 miles)
Outdoors: 15 (112.08 miles)
Indoors: 0 (0.00 miles)
Treadmill: 1 (3.11 miles)
Longest: 20.56 miles

Another month of personal records: most miles in a month (115.19), most miles in a week (38.21), longest run (20.56), longest run with no walk breaks (13.1), and PRs in 1/2 Marathon, 10 mile, 5K, and 6 mile (automatic PR as it’s the only race I’ve run at this distance).  Along with these high points were some lows: crashing 14 miles into my 20 miler and a disappointing 10 mile race.  I finished the month by enduring a very cold and wet half marathon then – two days later – absolutely slaying a hilly 10K route.  A great way to end a great month.

April 2012 Mileage

April 2012 Mileage

I’ve been doing my long runs every other week utilizing a 3:1 run/walk ratio.  This month brought my two longest runs of my life: 17 miles and 20 miles.  The 17 miler went great.  Two weeks later I mismanaged my 20 miler so badly that I ended up walking most of the last 6 miles.  This month I will be starting the long run ladder again (15, 17, then 20 miles) but with a different run/walk ratio (probably a 4:1, but I might try to stretch it to a 4.5:1).  I will be running a half marathon 3 of the 4 weekends this month.  I’m guessing that means that I will have another 100+ mile month in May.

Right now I’m feeling pretty good about my running.  I’m improving in all areas.  I’ve become faster on my shorter runs (5K) and – withstanding the 10 mile fail – I’m improving my stamina on longer runs.  I’ve had no injuries, other than extreme calf cramps brought on by dehydration on my 20 miler.  My feet have adapted to my shoes by becoming calloused (is that a verb?) along the part of my foot that was getting blistered.  I’m planning on buying new shoes this month.

I’m 1/12 of the way through my “12 Half Marathons in 2012” goal.  By the end of May I will be 1/3 of the way through, including my first out-of-state half marathon (Fargo, ND).

The marathon training class is going well.  I’ve been late to the last few lectures as I am very busy at work, but have made all of the training runs.

I celebrated my 1 year “runiversary” in April.  I ran outside (I don’t count the treadmill runs that began 3 months before) for the first time on 12 April 2011.  I barely managed 1/4 mile before needing a walk break and ended up completing 2.19 (albeit hilly) miles in a blistering 29:41 (13:33 minute miles).

I am still intimidated at the prospect of running a full marathon in October.  As I completed my half marathon, I thought to myself  “I can’t imagine running this far only to have it be the turnaround point”.

March 2012 Recap

Runs: 19
Miles: 100.06
Races: 2 (7.46 miles)
Outdoors: 17 (93.27 miles)
Indoors: 0 (0.00 miles)
Treadmill: 2 (6.79 miles)
Longest: 15.21 miles

100 Mile March!

100 Mile March!

Wow.  A lot of personal records set this month: total distance (100.06), total number of runs (19), longest run (15.21 miles), and coldest run (7 degrees).

Other than the 7 degree beast, the weather was extremely warm for a Minnesota March (about 15 degrees warmer on average – warmest Twin Cities March ever).  This meant all but two of my runs were done outside.

I started a Marathon training class at a local Running Room store.  Every Thursday night we gather and listen to a presentation on different running topics (shoes, gear, training goals/plans) followed by a run.  The runs have all been in the 3 – 4 mile range so far.  I’ve also been joining their Run Club for Sunday morning runs that have been in the 6 – 8 mile range.  I do all of my running alone so it’s good to get out with other runners.  The runners tend to break into groups based on speed. I was happy to find out that I was not the slowest runner.  I was not surprised to find out that I was not the fastest runner.  :-)  So far I have been enjoying the classes.  With the two scheduled runs per week, I’ve changed from a 3 times a week runner to a 4 times a week runner.

I started doing long runs every two weeks.  Last year I peaked at 14 miles in preparation for my 10 mile race.  I did 15 miles last week and completed it about 1.5 minutes per mile faster than last year’s 14 miler.  I felt fine afterwards, although I did get exposed to a running “injury” I never anticipated: chafing.

I’ve been using the Galloway method on my long runs.  I run for 3 minutes, then walk for 1 minute.  I’ve been trying to hit all my intervals (run for the entire 3 minutes and walk for the entire 1 minute).  Early on it’s difficult to stop after 3 minutes (seems way too short) and walk for a full minute (seems way too long). This reverses on the last few miles: the 3 minute run feels like forever and the 1 minute walk goes by in an instant.  With a walk break every 3 minutes, I end up taking 2 or 3 one minute walk breaks per mile.  I’m a little surprised that I’ve been able to keep the overall minutes per mile south of 11 minutes.

The biggest benefit is that I’m able to be on my feet for longer and run further than I would be able to without the copious walk breaks.  I do a long(ish) run on Sundays (6.5 – 8 miles) without any (or very minimal if you count the traffic lights) walk breaks.  The longer Galloway runs have made these runs easier to complete.  I’m still running them slow, but closer to 10 minutes/mile than 11.

I increase the length of my Galloway long runs every two weeks.  Next run will be 17 miles, then 20 miles two weeks after that.  My plan after that 20 miler will be to dip back down to 15 miles but increase the run ratio.  I’m probably going to got to a 4:1 run to walk ratio.  Then I’ll go back up the ladder to 17 miles and then 20 miles again.  Then back to 15 miles and change the ratio again.  I hope to get to a 5:1 or 6:1 ratio and then crack the 20 mile mark.  Before the marathon, I want to do a 23 miler and finally a full 26.2 at my final run/walk ratio.  I might even experiment with skipping the walk bit on the first few miles.  By the time the TC Marathon rolls around in October I will have seen what 26.2 miles looks like and (hopefully) survived being on my feet for 5 hours.

As for my marathon goals, I really only have one: finish…alive.  I would love to break 5 hours but I’m not counting on any time goals at this point.

I was blown away at hitting the 100 miles in a month mark.  Last year, I set a personal challenge to run 100 miles over the course of spring/summer.  I matched that in a single month this year.  Hell, my long run of 15 miles matched my total March 2011 miles.  I was going to either skip or shorten the last run, but I don’t know when I’ll get within striking distance of 100 miles in a month again, so putting in an unplanned 3.68 miles on a Saturday to close out the month was definitely a go.

I bought new shoes and made the Reebok Nano Zigs take over as gym shoes.  I’m now riding in some Saucony Triumph 9’s.  I did the whole “gait analysis” thing and was somewhat surprised to find that I’m a “neutral”.  I like the new shoes, but other than making downhills faster (more padding?) there’s nothing monumentally different about them.

I battled though a cold (did not stop me running), a pinched nerve in my shoulder (stopped me from lifting, but not running), a small blister (new shoes), and some chafing (more embarrassing than debilitating).  Nothing major on the injury front.

Swim lessons ended a couple of weeks ago.  I did make some progress, but I’m still a better anchor than swimmer.  I’m still a year away from seriously considering a triathlon.  I signed up for a second session starting next week.  I’m a bit concerned because the instructor has told us that she’s going to start working us harder.

I ran two Irish-themed races this month: a slow 5K and a sunny 7K.

The “12 Half Marathons in 2012” is going well…on paper.  I have signed up for 5 half marathons so far.  I will actually run my first one at the end of April.  I also have a 10 miler, a 5.5 miler, and a 5K scheduled.  I might even try out a 2 miler at the beginning of the month.


February 2012 Recap

Runs: 12
Miles: 54.11
Races: 0 (0.00 miles)
Outdoors: 2 (10.45 miles)
Indoors: 4 (23.19 miles)
Treadmill: 5 (17.44 miles)
Longest: 8.40 miles

February is the most difficult month of the year for me.  It’s cold and snowy and even though it’s the shortest month, it seems to drag on and on.  This year we’ve continued our lucky streak of higher than normal temperatures and minimal snow.  This meant I was able to get outside for a couple of runs (normally the only time I spend outside in February is spent with a snowblower).  I could have run outside a couple more times, but ended up running at the Metrodome instead.  It was circling the dome that accounted for my two longest runs.

Dome Running

Blurry Picture of Metrodome Running

I suppose that the only downside is that my long run was 3 miles shorter than last month.  I ran the same amount of times as I did in January, but ran nearly 10 miles less.  That’s okay as I’m happy to still be running as often as I do and being able to run 8+ miles without any issues.

Icy Hills

Icy Hills

Swimming lessons are still going.  I’ve resigned myself to the fact that a triathlon is not in the cards this year.  Starting this week, I will begin marathon training at a local running store.  This will increase my weekly mileage and pretty much nail me down to running 4 times a week rather than my average 3 times.

I had no races this month.  My last race was on New Year’s Day and my next one will be on 10 March.  That’s the longest I’ve gone without racing since I ran my first 5K back in July.

Crazy Warm

43 Degrees on 06 February is CRAZY WARM!!!

I entered the lottery for the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon (Grandma’s Half Marathon) and was chosen to run with 6,300 others in June.  I am now registered for 4 half marathons, so I’m a 1/3 of the way through my 12 half marathons in 2012 resolution….on paper that is.  :-)

January 2012 Recap

Runs: 12
Miles: 64.01
Races: 1 (6.21 miles)
Outdoors: 5 (35.82 miles)
Indoors: 2 (9.90 miles)
Treadmill: 5 (18.29 miles)
Longest: 11.54 miles

This has been the mildest winter (both temperature and snowfall) I’ve ever experienced in Minnesota.  Consequently, I was able to get in 5 outdoor runs during a month where bitter cold and shit tons of snow generally make this nearly impossible.  I was planning on doing a lot more indoor running and even some cross-country skiing, but the this “winter that wasn’t” lead me to getting outdoors more often than I ever have since I moved to Minnesota.

My 64 miles this month is more than I ran during the first three months of 2011…and only 4 miles less than my total for the first 4 months of 2011.

I started swimming (if you can call it that) as well.  I’m taking lessons, which will hopefully improve my form.  I’ve all but given up on completing a triathlon this year as it will probably take me a solid year of swimming to get comfortable enough to swim 400 yards in open water.  I do think that the cross training is helping a bit with my running.

I ran my first 10K and therefore got a PR at that distance.  No stops.  It’s weird.  Every time I try a new distance (4K, 5 mile, 10K, and 10 mile) I complete the race without stopping.  I have run a dozen 5Ks and only finished TWO without walking.  Meh.

I did get a minor “injury” on my last long run.  For the first time ever I tweaked my right hamstring.  I ran through it and after half a day with a minor limp, I was golden.

I feel good about where I’m at in my running.  I wanted to get some solid mileage in during December – February so that I could start training for the dozen half marathons I have planned this year.  10 miles is probably my maximum distance right now.  I should be able to ramp that up to 15 miles by the time I run my first half marathon in late April.

I don’t expect to put in as many miles in February (shorter month and winter *will* appear at some point).  I am going to shoot for 50 miles with at least one double digit run.